Mr. Rogers was from the future

You can’t tell me that Mr. Rogers didn’t come back from the future to help us. I immediately did a “deep fake” search on this video. And it appears to be legit.

My mind went there because after watching it, I’m staring out the window trying to understand how one person could transcend the conventional thought and zeitgeist in which they were raised and emersed in. On, everything.

What he said to Carson is widely understood and accepted by most today.

But this interview was recorded in 1980. Mr. Rogers must have held this belief for at least a decade or more before this interview. And he spoke to Carson at ease in an earnest tone to indicate that believed it is not up for debate.

Although I think Carson could have handled it in a classier way, I don’t fault him too much because I don’t think he knew how to respond in that moment.

But it certainly highlighted what separated Mr. Rogers from most people.

