Brendan Eich stepped down as CEO of Mozilla today and I find the dynamics of the situation a bit unsettling.
I absolutely do not agree with Eich’s social beliefs. However, I would have rather seen the community engage him on this issue (separate from the business) in open and ongoing dialogue.
If education is the precursor to understanding and later empathy, then the opportunity to influence Eich is lost. It’s a human rights issue, so I certainly understand how the situation can be felt as untenable.
I also wonder how strongly Eich feels about that social belief 6 years after his campaign contribution of $1,000. Perhaps there is additional insider information that makes the situation more measured and less like Internet justice via Twitter.
But where do tech companies go from here? Do HR departments now have to perform social political background checks to ensure he candidate is aligned with the majority in the company? Not to mention the larger user base.
And of course it’s illegal to discriminate someone for their personal beliefs.
Eich communicated clearly the need for Mozilla to be very inclusive in order to survive. Perhaps an ally could have been found in Eich over time as that theme of inclusiveness spilled over into his personal life.
I think his critics would agree that would be the best outcome for all.