Tag: feature

  • Finding Pete Seeger

    Finding Pete Seeger

    The brain seems to work in some very random ways at times. I say “the brain” because we don’t actually know where our thoughts come from. And the level of success you achieve at getting things done is largely dependent on your ability to dismiss those random thoughts. Friday morning a random thought slipped past…

  • Education to Understanding to Empathy

    Education to Understanding to Empathy

    Brendan Eich stepped down as CEO of Mozilla today and I find the dynamics of the situation a bit unsettling. I absolutely do not agree with Eich’s social beliefs. However, I would have rather seen the community engage him on this issue (separate from the business) in open and ongoing dialogue. If education is the precursor…

  • Vaccine for HIV you say?

    Vaccine for HIV you say?

    Vaccine research continues to march on and may be an important tool in the eradication of HIV. That Scientists in the world march on everyday making incremental progress is a great comfort to me. The following article is by one of my favorite Scientist / Bloggers and she always provides a window into the process…

  • Anti-virus Software is a Waste

    Anti-virus Software is a Waste

    Two years ago I made a decision to stop using anti-virus software on my PC and I have not had one problem. I have also not had the related PC issues that anti-virus usually brings with it. I based my decision on the following factors. I use GMail and Google does a fine job of…

  • No Small Ponds on the Internet

    No Small Ponds on the Internet

    Kelly Blazek runs a local Job’s Board in Cleveland and was likely a big fish in a small pond. As she wrote to one applicant, “I suggest you join the other Job Bank in town. Oh — guess what. There isn’t one,” Blazek wrote, according to an e-mail he provided the station. “Done with this…

  • The Placebo Effect is real

    The Placebo Effect is real

    The Placebo Effect is the massive dose of dopamine your brain releases when ingesting something you “think” will help you. In some it is the equivalent of a hit of amphetamine or speed. This is repeatable, quantifiable, and verifiable. A Placebo Effect is a real physiological reaction in your mind. It is the “active ingredient”…