• Eat Less, Not the Same

    However, participants in the calorie-restricted group ate 405 fewer calories per day and lost about read more

    Eat Less, Not the Same
  • One panel, one laugh

    Excellent analysis breaking down the genius that is Gary Larson and his much beloved The Far Side. So deeply influential that Pixar paid homage to Larson in a movie. “All we are is a species, like millions of others. I think it’s dangerous to think otherwise.” – Gary Larson, creator of The Far Side read more

    One panel, one laugh
  • Demolish Your Opinions

    read more

    Demolish Your Opinions
  • Defend All Journalists

    Anyone who physically attacks, threatens, or otherwise terrorizes any Journalist should receive the maximum sentencing punishment allowed by the legal system. The “4th Estate” is so important to a functioning democracy and defense against corruption that is deserves the maximum protection society can offer. “Investigators believe the suspects conspired to “retaliate” against the news outlet… read more

    Defend All Journalists
  • Reimagine Cities

    Much has been written with much hand-wringing over the vacancies in office buildings due to people working remotely. Without a doubt it has had a devastating effect on downtown economies. I’ve seen first hand how small businesses like restaurants and shops have closed. There simply is not enough people and foot traffic daily in those… read more

    Reimagine Cities
  • Calder Mobile

    The mobiles by Alexander Calder always speak to me. The unstructured balance. The dynamic motion responding to the environment. The fact that you will never see the same version of the mobile twice. Nor will the people standing next to you see the same version you see. The version of the mobile you see depends… read more

    Calder Mobile