Some news to report
Here is my text to explain it. read more
A new kind of climate denial has taken over on YouTube – The Verge
Google still profits from content on Youtube that pushes disinformation about clean energy and solutions to climate change, according to a new report. — Read on www.theverge.com/2024/1/16/24040015/youtube-google-climate-change-new-denial-advertising-report read more
Something You Should Know about the Electoral College
Very Overrated : Fireplaces
Can confirm. Fireplaces are way, way… WAY… overrated. It is a solid proof point of how effective media and marketing is. It’s a weird artifact of modern times that miserable things from the past are romanticized. Like pirates. Or vampires, which never really existed. But they might as well for some people. Classic cars. “They… read more
Something That Should Not Happen
I don’t understand why an ideology that the U.S. fought and beat in WWII is allowed to exist in the United States. Fought and beat at great cost of American lives. And millions of lives throughout the world. Dozens of neo-Nazis publish newsletters on the platform, as highlighted in a recent Atlantic article. That includes… read more
CNN Gives Nike a Pass
This is an unfortunate example of how a major news network chooses an angle that runs counter to reality, in order to appear like they are breaking news. Buried in the article is this… “Customers are switching their behavior, passing up discretionary purchases — like expensive sneakers and athletic wear — for basics and experiences… read more