Category: Quotes
Solo Pedals
Grief is Good
This is for anyone who has lost someone very close to you. Andrew Garfield explains why he hopes the grief will always stay with him.
Agile Is Not New
Agile is NOT new. Agile is how we have learned to do things since the beginning of time. How we challenged and learned about ourselves since we were born.
Think Deep and Write Brief(ly)
jar-gon :/ special words or expressions that are used by a particular profession or group and are difficult for others to understand. Why Jargon Feeds on Lazy Minds
A Stone of Hope
“Out of a mountain of despair, a stone of hope.” MLK Memorial The MLK Memorial is by far the more engaging and dynamic design of the monuments on The National Mall. Rather than enshrine or entomb the leader, the entire memorial site is a manifestation of Martin Luther King Jr’s words, beliefs, and actions. It’s…
Tomorrow’s Gonna be a Brighter Day