Category: Media

  • Nutritional Diversity to Fight Inflammation

    Michael Pollan is often quoted in his book In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto where recommends: Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants. This video provides some solid evidence of why nutritional diversity is key in absorbing the greatest amount of nutrients your food has to offer. The evidence is quite clear that some foods…

  • Kombi’s Last Wishes

    Kombi’s Last Wishes

    There’s really not much I have to add here other than to just say watch the video.  The VW Bus, or Kombi as the rest of the world knows it, is a global icon. And the pioneer that made mini-vans cool…

  • Dog Attack

    Dog Attack


  • Like Coins in a Pocket

    Like Coins in a Pocket

    “Things break all the time. Glass and dishes and fingernails. Cars and contracts and potato chips. You can break a record, a horse, a dollar. You can break the ice. There are coffee breaks and lunch breaks and prison breaks. Day breaks, waves break, voices break. Chains can be broken. So can silence, and fever……

  • Finding Pete Seeger

    Finding Pete Seeger

    The brain seems to work in some very random ways at times. I say “the brain” because we don’t actually know where our thoughts come from. And the level of success you achieve at getting things done is largely dependent on your ability to dismiss those random thoughts. Friday morning a random thought slipped past…

  • The Bushman of San Francisco

    The Bushman of San Francisco

    This evening I came home from and launched as I do throughout the day and noticed a lead story reporting on the passing of The Bushman of San Francisco. His claim to fame is surprising people walking along the sidewalk by hiding behind two blinds he fashioned out of bush branches and leaves. I…